Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adam Lambert's delicate balancing act

Adam Lambert reverted back to his older, safer self today, which is to say that Lambert's PR team made it safe for old ladies and children to like his music and image.

That, in the long run, is going to be better for business for him and his camp.

Performing on CBS's Morning Show, Lambert reportedly made sure that parents knew his show would be appropriate for kids, while shying away slightly from his performance decisions during Sunday night's American Music Awards, when he capped off a sinuous dance performance with an aggressive man-on-man open mouth kiss.

With no signs of the groping, tonguing, David Bowie-esque version of Lambert that lurks in the post-prime time hours, Lambert answered questions about his performance, saying “‘‘I admit I did get carried away, but I don’t see anything wrong with it. I do see how people got offended and that was not my intention. My intention was to interpret the lyrics of my song and have a good time with it.’’

Lambert appeared to be in a bit of damage control mode. He was booked on the CBS show after being dropped from “Good Morning America” on ABC, the same network that aired the AMA's.

Lambert wants to make a statement about his lifestyle choice, enough to risk some measure of public support with his provocative performance. But regardless of how much artistic control he claims to have over his career, he's not silly enough to throw it all over a cliff.

Wednesday's performance was a clear indication of the delicate balancing act he is attempting. Stay true to his gay lifestyle, but stay safe enough to win over the grannies and kiddies who text in their votes for him on American Idol.

It's a difficult role to take on, and Lambert should be applauded for his attempt to open up his lifestyle for the world to see. But if he keeps running back to his image safety net, then he runs the risk of not being taken seriously.

And where's the statement in that?

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